At Gamescom, it’s typically the game development studios and publishers who are the stars of the event. You’ll find the next titles to be announced, DLC, and a whole host of news relating in one way or another to video games on consoles, PC, and also handhelds (Switch, Steam Deck, etc.).
But what we’re interested in is sim-racing. This year, it came as a pleasant surprise when Thrustmaster indirectly announced its plans to reclaim its place in sim-racing. With its first Direct Drive base, the 818, Thrustmaster intended to gain market share in the DD segment, but it didn’t really hit the mark as far as I’m concerned. Has Thrustmaster learned from its missteps? Well, with the two products “presented” at this year’s Gamescom, it would appear so.
Thrustmaster at Gamescom: an upgradable pedalboard and a new Direct Drive base for Playstation and PC, with the slogan Drive Into The New Era
Let’s start with the pedals. It’s called the Raceline Pedals LTE, and it’s intended to fill the gap that currently exists in Thrustmaster’s range. Its design is rather minimalist, with a metal structure, 2 pedals and a spring resistance system.

LTE simply stands for “Long-Term Evolution”, as mobile operators used to and still do for 4G. The principle is fairly simple, but promising, I think. You have the standard crankset with two pedals and Hall sensors, two swappable and adjustable springs too, with a fairly basic elastomer for the brake, and the whole thing is upgradable.
The big plus that this pedalboard will bring compared to the current Thrustmastrer range, and also to the competition, is its upgradability. You’ll be able to upgrade it with kits, including a Load Cell planned for 2025. In terms of feel, it’s not bad at all, superior to a T3PA. Pricing and availability have not yet been announced.
As for the Direct Drive base, I was able to try it out, but behind a curtain as it were. I don’t have any technical information on it, and I haven’t even seen it with my own eyes. I was only able to run laps on GT7 on PS5 and ACC on PC, and the sensations were excellent, far superior to a T-GT.
For torque, I’d expect something under 8 nm. On the other hand, I was surprised by the level of detail that passes through the drive shaft. Speaking of the latter, Thrustmaster seems to have updated its QR, which I find more robust.
If this new, unknown base is well positioned in terms of power and, above all, price, I’m sure it will be all the rage in the Direct Drive entry-level range. All we can do now is wait for news of Thrustmaster’s new products.