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FoV calculator

The importance of adjusting the field of vision in sim racing

The field of view, often abbreviated to FOV, plays a crucial role in how you perceive the virtual environment around you. It’s the angle through which you see the action from your screen. Incorrect FOV settings can distort this perception and impair immersion in your favorite racing simulators.

Correctly adjusting the FOV gives a more realistic perspective, reducing the sensation of visual distortion when making tight turns or long straights. The aim is to faithfully reproduce what you would see if you were actually sitting in a cockpit. A properly calibrated FOV also enables you to better judge distances and react optimally to situations on the track.

Our FOV calculator: how does it work?

First steps with the FOV sim racing calculator

To fully exploit the benefits of our FOV calculator, a few key measurements need to be entered. Start by indicating your screen ratio, a determining factor linked to its width and height. The screen size is then required to calculate the exact FOV for your hardware configuration.

Next, it’s essential to enter the distance at which you are positioned in relation to the screen. This measurement becomes particularly critical when using a triple or curved screen, as it adjusts the overall perception of the visible space.

Different screen types: single, triple or curved

Configurations vary from single-screen to triple-screen to curved. For each type of display, the measured criteria enable us to define an optimal FOV setting that can radically transform your racing experience.

In the case of a triple screen, the thickness of the edges (or bezel) must be taken into account. This influences how images extend from one screen to the other. A curved screen requires input of the ‘radius of curve’, which helps to adapt the FOV to the best possible projection angle around the player.

Tailor-made settings for every race simulator

Once all this information has been entered into the calculator, it instantly generates the specific FOV settings required for a diverse range of sim racing games. From popular titles to niche simulations, the calculator supports different graphics engines and their specific requirements.

It’s a real time-saver for any racing simulator fan! No more manual trial and error to find the right balance. Now, with every potential change of title or even hardware, a quick recalculation of the FOV ensures that the quality of the game remains constant and immersive.

Even after you’ve made your initial FOV calculation, don’t hesitate to make further adjustments if necessary. Although the start is accurate, it’s legitimate for some people to like different viewing angles for added realism or strong personal preference.

It may also be worth trying out different training sessions to see how variable lighting and weather changes affect your perception. Gradually adapt the FOV according to these variables until you reach optimum comfort.

Credit: Calculator designed by Dinex86

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